The Hobbit (6 Points) I had always felt like a liar when it came to talking about my fondness for fantasy. Especially when it came to Middle Earth, where I had only ever gained any knowledge about it from the films. I'd stubbornly tell myself that I would read all the books when I'd see the film playing or when hobbits came into the conversation. All throughout middle and high school, I'd pick up the first volume of "The Lord of the Rings" Trilogy and open to the first page, and then my thoughts would drift away from the book and back into the real world. By junior year, I had sworn off trying to read the books out of frustration when I just couldn't grasp that the ink on the page was words. I was pretty confused at the difficulty digesting the prose provided, as I was an avid reader with relatively high reading ability, but had been drifting farther and farther away from it in time. So when I received this assignment, it was with a lot of dread. Even thoug...
A student blog for one of David Steiling's fantastic Literature Classes