Artemis by Andy Weir (6 Points) After reading "The Martian," I was pretty intrigued by Weir's work and decided to double back during the jump into Cyber/Steampunk to see what this moon-based book was all about. I'll start by saying that I have mixed reviews overall of the novel but let's start with the bad: I genuinely believe that Weir gave their own best effort in writing a strong female protagonist, and absolutely flunked it. It basically felt like his character, Mark Watney, had put on a woman-of-Muslim-descent-suit and then traveled out to a moon colony. Many of the interactions, dialogue, and overall emotional responses of the main protagonist, Jazz, just never felt genuine as a young woman surviving on a diverse moonbase, let alone a human being sometimes. Like, she would get close, and then immediately swerve into an over-exaggerated and overly-testosteroned version of what she could have been as a character: strong-willed, independent, and incredibly s...
A student blog for one of David Steiling's fantastic Literature Classes